Saturday 14 May 2011

Getting ready for Ghana

Ghana flag cake by Holly & Paris
The Share Think and Act young volunteers are in the final stage of preparation for their month long trip in July. The directors of Share Think and act went ahead of the group in June to organise placements and meet the placement supervisors

As well as the volunteering that the young people will be doing in Ghana, Share Think and Act will
 also be using our community development and coaching processes to work on a micro finance project with local farmers. We will also be providing a range of courses for workers and organisations in Accra and Sunyani.
 volunteers outside our building

On 11th July 2011, we had a fun-day in Deptford to raise money to put towards going to Ghana in July. Some of the stalls we had were:
• Cake stalls
• Face painting stalls
• Wellbeing stalls
• Nail painting stalls
• Massage stalls
• Name the teddy & guess how many sweets are in the jar.

We also had some other entertainment and attractions such as:
• Live music
• PS3 Tournaments
• Raffle tickets being sold

All together we managed to raise £235 as a group. Thank you to everyone who came to our FUN day and had FUN!